A study on the Effect of Air Service Relationship Benefits on Long-term Orientation
항공서비스 관계효익이 장기지향성에 미치는 영향 연구

Tae-Yeon Yoon, Myung-Hee Mun
2012 The Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology  
The study has focused on relationship benefits provided for customers in terms of relationship marketing and empirically analyzed the influence of components of relationship benefits in air service. Those components are, for example, social, psychological, economic and special treatment benefits on long-term orientation of relationship. Also, ultimately, this study aims to suggest marketing strategies and relevant implications for airlines. In conclusion, psychological and special treatment
more » ... fits were found to have influence on long-term orientation of relationship.
doi:10.12673/jkoni.2012.16.3.553 fatcat:6s6jfh6e4zgbhk2j5vv3vjmcmu