Research on QR image code recognition system based on artificial intelligence algorithm

Lina Huo, Jianxing Zhu, Pradeep Kumar Singh, Pljonkin Anton Pavlovich
2021 Journal of Intelligent Systems  
The QR code recognition often faces the challenges of uneven background fluctuations, inadequate illuminations, and distortions due to the improper image acquisition method. This makes the identification of QR codes difficult, and therefore, to deal with this problem, artificial intelligence-based systems came into existence. To improve the recognition rate of QR image codes, this article adopts an improved adaptive median filter algorithm and a QR code distortion correction method based on
more » ... propagation (BP) neural networks. This combination of artificial intelligence algorithms is capable of fitting the distorted QR image into the geometric deformation pattern, and QR code recognition is accomplished. The two-dimensional code distortion is addressed in this study, which was a serious research issue in the existing software systems. The research outcomes obtained after emphasizing on the preprocessing stage of the image revealed that a significant improvement of 14% is observed for the reading rate of QR image code, after processing by the system algorithm in this article. The artificial intelligence algorithm adopted has a certain effect in improving the recognition rate of the two-dimensional code image.
doi:10.1515/jisys-2020-0143 fatcat:zunqygx45be3jhxnghtoylikp4