STUDY ON THE REFURBISHMENT RECORDS OF DETACHED HOUSES : Conparative analysis among the three built-up areas in Tokyo
戸建住宅の外壁改修周期に関する研究 : 複数の市街地における比較分析

Shigeki SAITO, Seiichi FUKAO, Kozo KADOWAKI
2007 Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ)  
The function ofextemal walls has big effbcts on the disaster prevention and the scenery of bui童 t・ up area , It is necessary to maintain these fUnctions by sUitable refurbishment . The pu遅 )ose ofthis study is to a皿 a 董 yze the re 釦 rbishment cyc 且 es ofbuilt −up areas in Tokyo , and clari6 ・ the dif 】 ferenccs among regiens . The most prominent difference 艮mong built ・ up areas has been seen in the first cycte ofrefurbishment act . As ・ refUrb 正 3hment act has been dDne many times ,
more » ... among the areas we πe decreasing . This is considcred that the vicinity oonditions ofabuilt − up areahas influenced.
doi:10.3130/aija.72.61_1 fatcat:2bhedcdonngtvlcpeoknls4eni