Fast algorithms for determining the linear complexities of sequences over GF(p m) with the period 3n

Hao Chen
2006 Science in China Series A  
In this paper, for the the primes p such that 3 is a divisor of p − 1, we prove a result which reduces the computation of the linear complexity of a sequence over GF (p m )(any positive integer m) with the period 3n (n and p m −1 are coprime) to the computation of the linear complexities of three sequences with the period n. Combined with some known algorithms such as generalized Games-Chan algorithm, Berlekamp-Massey algorithm and Xiao-Wei-Lam-Imamura algorithm, we can determine the linear
more » ... lexity of any sequence over GF (p m ) with the period 3n (n and p m − 1 are coprime) more efficiently. Keywords: number theory of the finite field, cryptography, stream cipher, fast algorithm.
doi:10.1007/s11425-006-0715-3 fatcat:meem6vlonbb6zjmkpi77tvo2bu