Pilot-Scale Demonstration of Pefi's Oxygenated Transportation Fuels Production Technology [report]

2005 unpublished
During nearly three years of testing, the performance of a molybdenum sulfide based catalyst was studied in a bench-scale experimental program to support the design and later operation of a 500-gpd pilot plant. The purpose of the work was to generate design information for a pilot plant, optimize process conditions, and verify product composition and yields. Initial tests were focused on reactors in fluidized-bed and in dry, fixed-catalyst-bed configuration. Subsequent tests focused on reactors
more » ... in slurry configuration. The performance of the catalyst measured in the experimental program was very strong, with alcohol selectivities and space-time yields meeting or exceeding all published values of located for similar catalysts. Product selectivities consistently were in the range of 90%, and alcohol space-time yields were measured as high as 500 grams per kilogram of catalyst per hour. From a technical standpoint, the PEFI process appears to be very promising. Experiments have repeatedly demonstrated the capability to make ethanol and other alcohols from synthesis gas of varying compositions. To make further progress and generate information necessary to design a commercial plant, the technology still requires demonstration at pilot scale.
doi:10.2172/910131 fatcat:hdhsr4tihjezzbsu4cous2lwvq