Particle filter based feedback control of JAIST Active Robotic Walker

Takanori Ohnuma, Geunho Lee, Nak Young Chong
2011 2011 RO-MAN  
We present a new control scheme of JAIST Active Robotic Walker (JARoW) developed to provide potential users such as the elderly with sufficient ambulatory capability. Toward its practical use, we tackle JARoW's easy and reliable maneuverability by creating a natural user interface between a user and JARoW. Specifically, our focus is placed on how to realize the natural and smooth movement of JARoW despite different gait parameters of users. For this purpose, a particle filtered interface
more » ... n (PFIF) is proposed to estimate and predict the locations of the user's legs and body. Then, the simple feedback motion control function adjusts the motions of JARoW corresponding to the estimation and prediction. Experimental results show that the proposed control scheme can be quite satisfactory for practical use without requiring any additional user effort.
doi:10.1109/roman.2011.6005262 dblp:conf/ro-man/OhnumaLC11 fatcat:y22sejg63jeszhmqc7p277cmti