The causes, consequences, and mediating effects of job burnout among hospital employees in Taiwan

Yea-Wen Lin
2012 Journal of Hospital Administration  
Background/Objective: The purpose of this study is to explore the causes, consequences and mediating effects of burnout as well as to highlight the correlation between burnout and related variables. Methods: The study conducted a cross-sectional survey of 371 hospital employees in Taiwan. The questionnaire contains: job burnout, workload, role conflict, work autonomy, social support, organizational commitment and turnover intention. Results: Four principal findings are made. First, with respect
more » ... to the three components of burnout experienced by hospital employees, the most frequently reported is emotional exhaustion, being also the most problematic among hospital employees compared with employees in other industries. Second, while increased workload coupled with role conflict increases the likelihood of burnout among hospital employees, improved work autonomy and social support reduce its likelihood. Next, the study finds a direct correlation between employees' perceptions of low levels of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization and high levels of organizational commitment. In contrast, employees' perceptions of high levels of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization lead to high turnover intention. Finally, the result of the hierarchical regression analysis demonstrates a partial mediating effect of burnout in the current study. Conclusions: These findings suggest the need for hospital management to improve their wellbeing and incentive strategies, to embark upon regular investigations into job burnout and to adopt appropriate measures to meet the professional development needs of hospital employees. 16 resources. Depersonalization refers to a negative, callous or excessively detached response to other people. Reduced personal accomplishment refers to a decline in one's feeling of competence and successful achievement in one's work [3] . The operational definition that is most widely used in burnout research is the three-component model.
doi:10.5430/jha.v2n1p15 fatcat:ogkq44fumbco7otvbkagpe5sea