Partial Nulling Regularized Block Diagonalization Using Unfair Channel Selection for Post-Coding with Low-Complexity

Hyun-Sun Hwang, Jae-Hyun Ro, Young-Hwan You, Duckdong Hwang, Hyoung-Kyu Song
2020 Applied Sciences  
A number of requirements for 5G mobile communication are satisfied by adopting multi-user multiple input multiple output (MU-MIMO) systems. The inter user interference (IUI) which is an inevitable problem in MU-MIMO systems becomes controllable when the precoding scheme is used. The proposed scheme, which is one of the precoding schemes, is built on regularized block diagonalization (RBD) precoding and utilizes the partial nulling concept, which is to leave part of the IUI at the same time.
more » ... rsity gain is obtained by leaving IUI, which is made by choosing the row vectors of the channel matrix that are not nullified. Since the criterion for choosing the row vectors of the channel is the power of the channel, the number of selected row vectors of the channel for each device can be unfair. The proposed scheme achieves performance enhancement by obtaining diversity gain. Therefore, the bit error rate (BER) performance is better and the computational complexity is lower than RBD when the same data rate is achieved. When the number of reduced data streams is not enough for most devices to achieve diversity gain, the proposed scheme has better performance compared to generalized block diagonalization (GBD). The low complexity at the receiver is achieved compared to GBD by using the simple way to remove IUI.
doi:10.3390/app10196809 fatcat:gdrhp776irhx5og4qbzsc74moi