Ranking the Factors Contributing to Effective Meetings in Isfahan Gas Company

2013 International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences  
The present study was aimed to identities and ranks the factors contributing to the effective meeting in Isfahan Gas Company. Based on Streibel (2007), the factors contributing to the effective meeting include three groups of factors before, during, and after meeting. The statistical population of this study includes chairpersons, secretaries, and members that are present in the meetings. A selfadministrated questionnaire has been used to collect the data. The face validity has been employed to
more » ... examine validity of the questionnaire. Also reliability of the questionnaire has been examined through Cronbachs' Alpha Coefficient. The coefficient 0.90 confirms reliability of the questionnaire. In order to analyze the data, one-sample t test, Freedman test, and analysis of variance has been employed in the SPSS20. The results of one-sample t test reveal that the level of factors contributing to the effective meeting is less than average level. On the other hand, the results of Freedman test indicate that planning is the most important and following is the least important factor among factors contributing to the effective meeting. Finally, the results of analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicate that there are significant relationships between members' position in meeting and their viewpoint about factors contributing to the effective meeting. * This a rti cle is extra cted from a thesis tha t is supported by Isfahan Gas Company.
doi:10.6007/ijarafms/v3-i3/37 fatcat:vxojmpqmbnfqfmpprjjplvuycq