Ion feedback suppression using inclined MCP holes in a ~Single-MCP+Micromegas+Pads- Detector*

J. Va'vra, T. Sumiyoshi
IEEE Symposium Conference Record Nuclear Science 2004.  
We show that the ion backflow to photocathode can be completely suppressed if one uses inclined MCP holes in a presence of magnetic field. The inclined hole angles are chosen to be aligned with the Lorentz electron angle allowing the electron transmission and amplification, while positive ions, traveling along a different angle, are caught on the MCP hole walls. The detector under investigation is a new gaseous detector structure based on a tandem of two parts, a single MCP (Microchannel)
more » ... a Micromegas with pad readout. We are aiming to develop a gaseous photon detector with the Bialkali photocathode, however, one could use some ideas in the paper for other types of detectors.
doi:10.1109/nssmic.2004.1462404 fatcat:n46fegkay5ey5kcitazdirwe5e