"Exact and approximate power and sample size calculations for analysis of covariance in randomized clinical trials with or without stratification" by Yongqiang Tang

Yongqiang Tang
2019 Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research  
Tang derived the exact power formulae for t tests and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) in superiority, noninferiority and equivalence trials. The power calculation in equivalence trials can be simplified by using Owen's Q function, which is available in standard statistical software. We extend the exact power determination method for ANCOVA to unstratified and stratified multi-arm randomized trials. The method is applied to the design of multi-arm trials and gold standard noninferiority trials.
doi:10.1080/19466315.2019.1707110 fatcat:lxakmj3jgrdaddb5t7yibj2y2u