Dietary Quality and malnutrition (Stunting) in preschooler

2020 Bulletin of the National Nutrition Institute  
In communities of the poorest countries the children sufferer of malnutrition that is rapidly emerging. Inadequate dietary intake and disease may cause of malnutrition. This study amid to give knowledge about diet quality of stunted some Egyptian preschool children and designing a proper nutrition education massages and suitable prophylactic program to improve linear growth. The study was purposed as included (30) preschooler aged 2 ≤ 6 years old, with delayed linear growth, randomly selected
more » ... om the stunted outpatient clinic of National Nutrition Institute (NNI) and (30) healthy case in the same age and sex as a control group. All participants were subjected to the baseline assessment (dietary intake including "Twenty fourhour recall "method; anthropometric measurements including 'weight and height'; lab investigation including hemoglobin, serum Ca, Vit D, Vit A, TSH, T4, T3, concentration. Results showed that mean height for age Z score is significantly lower among the stunted compared to the control group. Dietary intake analysis showed that mean intake of all macronutrients and micronutrients was significantly lower among stunted; the difference was highly significant between the two groups.
doi:10.21608/enj.2020.144767 fatcat:r6xoopkrgvdjzc2owaoi7qdsqy