Correlation of alkaline phosphatase activity to normal T-cell differentiation and to radiation leukemia virus-induced preleukemic cells in the C57BL mouse thymus

G Goffinet, M P Houben-Defresne, J Boniver
1983 Cancer Research  
Cytochemical methods at the light and electron microscopic level were used to define the pattern of alkaline phosphatase (APase) activity in normal thymus and to study its modifications after inoculation with the thymotropic leukemogenic radiation leukemia virus in correlation with the emergence of preleukemic cells and their thymus dependency. APase was found in numerous lymphoblasts of the fetal thymus. The enzyme was also detected in a few lymphoid blast cells of the normal young adult
more » ... , which were closely associated with thymic nurse cells. The observed distribution of APase in normal thymus suggests that its expression could be limited to an early stage of the T-cell differentiation pathway. After inoculation with radiation leukemia virus, APase activity remained normal for almost the entire latency period, during which virus replication spread to the cortex and thymus-dependent preleukemic cells appeared. An important increase in the number of APase-positive cells occurred later, i.e., at the end of the latency period, in nontumoral thymus, which displayed lymphocytic depletion and contained autonomous thymus-independent preleukemic cells. These latter features obviously reflected the malignant transformation of thymus lymphoblasts, which eventually led to the development of the thymic lymphomas. The results raise the question of the possible filiation between the thymic nurse cell-associated APase-positive lymphoid cells of the normal thymus and the target cells susceptible to productive infection and to neoplastic transformation after radiation leukemia virus infection.
pmid:6311407 fatcat:xwlg6ijomfhfxaozc7iijy66du