Microteaching Guided by an Expert Secondary English Teacher: The Effect on Pre-Service English Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge

Siti Aimah, Dwi Rukmini, Mursid Saleh, Dwi Anggani Linggar Bharati
2020 Pedagogika  
This study aims to determine the effect of microteaching guided by an expert secondary English teacher on pre-service English teachers PCK, focusing on the changes before and after expert-guided microteaching. The equivalent time-series design involves a single-group, repeatedly assessed, with the treatment introduced between the measurements. Expert-guided microteaching significantly affects pre-service English teachers' PCK and triggers them to know what to teach and how to teach for students.
doi:10.15823/p.2020.139.6 fatcat:o2dhaybtbbb2rjyoelqmdvkseq