Basal metabolic rate in bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients

Mohammed A. Agha, Rabab A. El Wahsh
2013 Egyptian Journal of Chest Disease and Tuberculosis  
Patients with COPD and bronchial asthma have been reported to have an increase in the energy cost of breathing which is reflected by changes in their basal metabolic rates (BMR). Aim: To assess the changes that may occur in basal metabolic rates in patients with bronchial asthma and those with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Patients and methods: We used indirect calorimetry using oro-nasal mask to assess the BMR in 35 patients with COPD, 20 patients with bronchial asthma and 10 healthy
more » ... olunteers (control group). Results: There was marked increase in basal metabolic rates in patients with COPD compared to patients with bronchial asthma (p value 60.001) and to the control group (p value 60.001), also between asthmatic patients and control group (p value 60.05). The BMR also showed a highly significant negative correlation (p value 60.001) with the level of hypoxemia and pulmonary functions (the severity of the disease) in both COPD and asthmatic patients. Conclusion: Patients with COPD and bronchial asthma have increased metabolic rates. These increased rates are directly correlated to the severity of the diseases and the impairment in the respiratory function.
doi:10.1016/j.ejcdt.2013.01.007 fatcat:x2unpnpg6fbg5n5qhaa7qtxsce