Low NO{sub x}/SO{sub x} Burner retrofit for utility cyclone boilers. Public design report
DISCLAIMER Th,hreport wasprepared as an account .of worksponsored by an agencyoftheUnited States September, 1991 Oo._rnmo.t, Neither the United States Government nor any agency there,f, nor any of their , emp_oyvvs, makes anywarranty, express or' implied, orassurers any lega,I liab;3ity orresponsi. bility for theaccuracy, completeness, or usefulness ofany information, apparatus, product, o,r process disclosed, or rep,resents that its usewouldnotinfri.g¢ privately owned rights, Refer. enceherein
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... toanyspecific commercial product, process, or service by trade name,trademark" manufacturer,or otherwisedots not nec, css,arily constituteor imply its endorsement, recom. P'JE_pare_ rr|,endation, or favoring by the United State, s Governmentor any agency thereof,The views for and opinions of authors cxp,ressed herein do not necessarilystate or reflect thoseof the United StatesGovernment or any agency thereof. The listed parties do not necessarily agree with the opinions expressed in this report. Neither TransAlta Technologies, Inc., the listed parties" nor any person acting on behalf of any of these parties makes any warranty, express or implied, with respect to the use of any infoz_nation, apparatus, or method or process disclosed in this report or that such use will not infringe upon privately ova led rights. Neither do these parties accept any liability forthe use,or damages resulting from the use,ofany information, apparatus, method orprocessdisclosed inthisreport.The viewsand . opinions ofauthorsexpressed hereindo notnecessarily stateorreflect thoseoftne,listed parties orany agencythereof. r • • CDOE10106N Issue A Final ABSTRACT This PublicDesignReportprovides, in a single document,available nonproprietary design information on the Low NOx/ SOx Burner Retrofit of Utility Cyclone Boilers project. In addition to the design aspects, the history r ' of the p oject, the organization of the project, and the role of the fundirg o parties are discussed. , An overviewoftheLow NOx/SOx (LNS) Burner,thecyclone boiler and the SouthernIllinois Power Cooperative hostsite ispresented. A detailed nonproprietary description ofthe individual processsteps, plantsystems, and resulting performancethen follows. Narrative processdescriptions, simplified processflowdiagrams, input/output streamdata,operating conditions and requirements are givenforeach unit.The plant demonstration program and start up provisions, the environmental considerations and control, monitoring and safety factors thatare considered are alsoaddressed.