What is the "Washington Eagle"?

J. A. Allen
1870 American Naturalist  
It is astonishing how equable a climate can be obtained by a 'simple device of this kind. The drawing given on p. 359 is from such a rock-cave constructed in the grounds of one of our most scientific and successful nurserymen near York, where he grows not only our royal so-called "flowering, fern," the Osmunda regalis, and several foreign allied species, but the most beautiful of all this beautiful tribe, the moistureloving Killarney fern, which clothes the soil of the damp dark woods by the
more » ... c waterfall. The beauty of these horticultural experiments is that theX can be tried on so small a scale, and are thus within the reach of almost every one; yielding a source of pure and healthy enjoyment which few other pursuits will afford. Mr. Robinson almost promises us that his little book shall be the first of a series of similar manuals on different departments of gardeninlg; and we can hardly, conceive a greater service than this to a large number of his -countrymen, who merely require to he told how to set to work to cultivate this fascinati-lg science.
doi:10.1086/270639 fatcat:hvv4clg22zdu7imxwtt4rrym24