A novel economic framework to assess the cost-effectiveness of bone-forming agents in the prevention of fractures in patients with osteoporosis

E. Söreskog, F. Borgström, I. Lindberg, O. Ström, D. Willems, C. Libanati, J. A. Kanis, B. Stollenwerk, M. Charokopou
2021 Osteoporosis International  
A novel cost-effectiveness model framework was developed to incorporate the elevated fracture risk associated with a recent fracture and to allow sequential osteoporosis therapies to be evaluated. Treating patients with severe osteoporosis after a recent fracture with a bone-forming agent followed by antiresorptive therapy can be cost-effective compared with antiresorptive therapy alone. Incorporating these novel technical attributes in economic evaluations can support appropriate policy and reimbursement decision-making.
doi:10.1007/s00198-020-05765-7 pmid:33411005 fatcat:frhdkamt5vag3owxz63j5x2una