P2-505 Prevalence and risk factors associated with infection by leishmania infantum in dogs from an urban area of Brazil identified by molecular methods

W. Coura-Vital, M. J. Marques, V. M. Veloso, L. E. Reis, S. L. Braga, M. H. Morais, A. Reis, M. Carneiro
2011 Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health  
Results A total of 2645 women took part. 117 women reported childhood sexual abuse before age 15 years, a prevalence of 6.0% (95% CI 0.05% to 0.07%). The abuse occurred mainly between ages 12 and 15 years. The majority of violence abusers were aged 30e39 years and were male in 94.5% of the cases. Family members were responsible for the majority of abuse (43.6%, family friends 12.4%, strangers 10.2% and other persons 10.2%). A first occurrence of sexual occurrence age <15 years was reported by
more » ... 3 women, of which 60.1% declared that it was forced (p<0.001). A higher percentage (64.7%) of women were abused once or twice, compared to few times (18.7%) and many times (16.6%). When the father was the perpetrator, the violence occurred many a few or many times. Conclusions The prevalence of child sexual abuse among women is considerable in Brazil. The participation of family members and the severity of the violence is notable. Patterns of abuse by the father suggest recurrent and regular abuse. Further studies about factors associated with this issue are needed.
doi:10.1136/jech.2011.142976m.32 fatcat:5m3m4l725jcrjfrjphs363znni