Electrochemical polarization characteristics of aluminum alloys in dilute NaCl solution

1979 Keikinzoku/Journal of Japan Institute of Light Metals  
The eletrochemical anodic polarization measurement and anodic dissolution test in a solution containing 20 ppm Cl-are carried out on aluminum, Al-Mg and Al-Mn alloys to examine pitting corrosion characteristics. The anodic polarization characteristics are considerably affected by stirring the solution, which has a suppression effect on pitting corrosion. Both the current density and stirring the solution in the anodic dissolution test have an effect on the pitting corrosion. The anodic
more » ... on test is applicable to promote corrosion testing in this solution, if an appropriate current density is used.
doi:10.2464/jilm.29.498 fatcat:vu4rn2hkwjct7nqdcuet2bxmza