Back to the Past: Segmentation with Infinite and Non-Volatile Memory

Lauri Laux Jr, Roberto Hexsel
2016 Anais do XVII Simpósio em Sistemas Computacionais de Alto Desempenho (WSCAD 2016)   unpublished
The design of the current desktop/server operating systems is premised on the use of slow magnetic disks. Two recent developments, (i) RAM capacity nearing 264 bytes, and (ii) the introduction of non-volatile memory (NVRAM), provide an opportunity for a complete re-design of traditional Unix-like operating systems. We discuss some of the issues which support that proposition and offer a few suggestions for areas that may benefit from looking back at pioneering work. We then propose a segmented memory model for the MIPS processor.
doi:10.5753/wscad.2016.14244 fatcat:zttevcng55h4nae7ck4wjh3ine