Self-publishing of Lithuanian cultural periodicals in Soviet and contemporary times

Asta Urbanaviciute
2015 Libellarium: Journal for the Research of Writing, Books, and Cultural Heritage Institutions  
The aim of this article is to analyse self-publishing trends of Lithuanian cultural periodicals focusing on the historical and contemporary contexts. The article provides an overview of the reasons for historical cultural periodical selfpublished texts, known as samizdats, to appear, as well as their publishing and circulation trends in Lithuania. It also analyses what contemporary cultural selfpublishing is: whether it is a completely independent, logical consequence of the digital age, which
more » ... merged under favourable circumstances, or if it can be characterized as having something in common with the past experiences. KEYWORD: self-publishing, publishing, samizdat, cultural periodicals, online cultural texts. 60 Asta Urbanaviciute, Self-publishing of Lithuanian cultural periodicals in Soviet and contemporary times, Libellarium, VIII, 1 (2015): 59 -72.
doi:10.15291/libellarium.v8i1.214 fatcat:5iz6yo5tmbgldnnc75udp4rr4a