W-07 Enhancing the global awareness of graduate students through an advanced engineering English course for multi-national students

Atsuko K. Yamazaki, Keiko Kawaguchi
2012 JSEE Annual Conference International Session Proceedings  
The authors describe how an English for Science and Technology (EST) eourse at graduate level was ofTered to enhance the global awareness of engineering students. The EST course covered both strategies and tactics for "Titing a clear and logical research paper and the language forms of particular use for engineering-related communication. In addition, the course ofTered collaborative learning activities, such as simulated international conference sessions and in-class discussions, Students from
more » ... various majors and six different Asian countries took the course. The authors developed a questionnaire to investigate whether the EST course effectively increased students' g]obal awareness in engineering contexts. The questionnaire responses showed that the students had regarded the course as a good practicum for enhancing their communication skills and the awareness necessary to become a global engineer. In addition, they considered that taking the course with students from different backgrounds and various majors helped them develop a multifacetecl point ofview.
doi:10.20549/jseeen.2012.0_50 fatcat:fasvcanyuzdpznc4fl7e3fre5e