Construction of smart energy system by utilizing CEMS and verification of energy saving effect (Part1) Overview of regional development and efforts to reduce CO2 emissions throughout the region
CEMSを活用したスマートエネルギーシステム構築と省エネルギー効果検証 (第1報) 地域の開発概要と地域全体でのCO2排出量削減の取り組み

Hiroaki Tanaka
2020 Techinical Papers of Annual Meeting the Society of Heating,Air-conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan  
Developed in Minato-ku, Nagoya City with the theme of environment, disaster prevention, bustling and creation of exchanges, Smart Town has various urban functions integrated on the site of approximately 33ha and is working to reduce carbon in the entire city. One year after full-scale operation, we grasped the energy consumption in the area and verified the operating performance of low-carbon equipment and energy supply plant. In this report, we will introduce the outline of regional
more » ... , the actual state of energy consumption, and the details of efforts to reduce carbon in the town.
doi:10.18948/shasetaikai.2020.8.0_325 fatcat:fotiqiv6xza4dg5we6ivmeov5q