Statistical Aspects of the Analysis of Data Networks

Lorraine Denby, James M Landwehr, Colin L Mallows, Jean Meloche, John Tuck, Bowei Xi, George Michailidis, Vijayan N Nair
2007 Technometrics  
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Assessing and monitoring the performance of computer and communications networks is an important problem for network engineers. A considerable amount of work
more » ... been done on tools and techniques for data collection, modeling, and analysis within the network research community. This article presents an overview of the engineering problems and statistical issues, describes recent research developments, and summarizes ongoing work and areas for further research. Although there are many interesting issues related to network analysis, our focus here is on estimating and monitoring network quality-of-service parameters. We discuss methods for estimating edge-level parameters from end-to-end path-level mea surements, an important engineering problem that raises interesting statistical modeling issues. Other topics include network monitoring, network visualization, and discovery of network topology. Data from a corporate network are used to illustrate the problems and techniques. As in any overview, the discussion is likely to be slanted toward the authors' own research interests.
doi:10.1198/004017007000000290 fatcat:h33lrhookjf5lbxrv32iqptvty