ANACpédia: corpus, terminology case files and sub-areas

Adriana Ceschin Rieche, Fernanda Alves e Silva, Marcela Neves de Medeiros, Maria Elisabeth Farah Correia Norões
2015 Aviation in Focus  
This paper presents the Online Dictionaries ANACpédia developed by ANAC -National Civil Aviation Agency, with the cooperation of DECEA -Department of Airspace Control, of the Air Force Command. The theoretical approach is based on the principles of Corpus Linguistics and Socioterminology. Examples of terminology case files developed by the team will be provided, as well as the manual term selection methodology, at first, and the subsequent automatic data search from an English, Spanish and
more » ... guese corpus consisting of written texts published by aviation authorities in these languages. The usefulness of automated search and concordance tools to enrich the dictionaries and the latest research on sub-areas will be discussed.
doi:10.15448/2179-703x.2015.1.22692 fatcat:dr3j4a3zfzfcbjftol6n24ezxy