Examining the Relationship between Fitness Scores and Academic Achievement in Middle School Students [article]

Carrie Reeve, University, My, University, My, Gary Brager
The purpose of this study was to determine whether students who achieved high levels of fitness would achieve higher quarterly grades in English and math. The measurement tool used was the Fitnessgram fitness assessment and quarterly grades. This study investigated whether students who achieved a healthy fitness zone on the curl-up, push-up, or P.A.C.E.R. (Progressive Aerobic Capacity Endurance Run) fitness tests would have higher quarterly grades than their peers who did not achieve healthy
more » ... ness zone. The results were not statistically significant in favor of the students who achieved healthy fitness zone having higher quarterly grades. However, descriptively students who achieved healthy fitness zone had a higher grade-point average in fourteen of the nineteen comparisons. As educators look to address all factors that influence a student's academic achievement there is a need for further research to investigate the relationship between being physically fit and academic achievement as measured by quarterly grades.
doi:10.13016/m24m91d66 fatcat:5rzyiogcxfg2lbczuc62acf674