An Empirical Study on the Organizational Motivation and the Related Factors of "Post-80s" Employees

Dongjin Yang, Chaoyang Feng
2015 Journal of Human Resource and Sustainability Studies  
A research model for the organizational motivation and outcome variables of the "Post-80s" is established in this article for large-sample survey. Through Exploratory Factor Analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis, the author has discovered that the organizational motivation of the "Post-80s" is comprised of five dimensions including career development, salary and benefits, leadership characteristics, institutional environment and colleague relationships; the perception of organizational
more » ... ation has a positive impact on job satisfaction, organizational commitment and employee engagement and a negative impact on turnover intention; and job satisfaction is the complete mediation between the perception of organizational motivation and turnover intention, while organizational commitment is the complete mediation between the perception of organizational motivation and employee engagement. In the end, countermeasures for the motivation of the "Post-80s" are put forward in this article.
doi:10.4236/jhrss.2015.34022 fatcat:xsozli52zzh5vdpyniu26a6lfy