Soundscape, Acoustic Communication and Environmental Sound Composition

Barry Truax
1996 Contemporary Music Review  
The problems of introducing unvironmcntal sound into the compositional process arc discussed, including its acoustic character, syntactic orgmization, contextuaIly based meaning,and resultant listening patterns. Gaps in traditional discipIinary approaches in dealing with environmental sound arc identified, and an acoustic communicational model is proposed as an interdisciplinary alternative. The research activities at Simon Frascr University in this area, including soundscape studies, acoustic
more » ... on~munication, soundscapc con~position, and the granulation of sampled sound, are summarized, along with examples drawn from thc at~thor's compositions, and the work of R. Murray Schafer, Hildcgard \Vestcrkanip and the World Soundscape Project.
doi:10.1080/07494469608629688 fatcat:pfiyaextdfhr3bfiile4eum4e4