Exploration of Shorea robusta (Sal) seeds, kernels and its oil

Shashi Kumar C., Rama Chandra Pradhan, Sabyasachi Mishra, Fatih Yildiz
2016 Cogent Food & Agriculture  
Physical, mechanical, and chemical properties of Shorea robusta seed with wing, seed without wing, and kernel were investigated in the present work. The physico-chemical composition of sal oil was also analyzed. The physico-mechanical properties and proximate composition of seed with wing, seed without wing, and kernel at three moisture contents of 9.50% (w.b), 9.54% (w.b), and 12.14% (w.b), respectively, were studied. The results show that the moisture content of the kernel was highest as
more » ... red to seed with wing and seed without wing. The sphericity of the kernel was closer to that of a sphere as compared to seed with wing and seed without wing. The hardness of the seed with wing (32.32, N/mm) and seed without wing (42.49, N/mm) was lower than the kernels (72.14, N/mm). The proximate composition such as moisture, protein, carbohydrates, oil, crude fiber, and ash content were also determined. The kernel (30.20%, w/w) contains higher oil percentage as compared to seed with wing and seed without wing. The scientific data from this work are important for designing of equipment and processes for post-harvest value addition of sal seeds.
doi:10.1080/23311932.2016.1186140 fatcat:eugkm3k7rzbbxozxq53cw4wezm