Evidence that oestrogen exerts an equivalent negative feedback action on LH secretion in male and female ferrets

R. S. Carroll, M. J. Baum
1989 Reproduction  
Gonadally intact male ferrets in breeding condition, which received an aromatase inhibitor, 1,4,6-androstatriene-3,17-dione (ATD) s.c. in Silastic capsules, had significantly more LH pulses and higher mean LH concentrations in plasma than did control males implanted with empty capsules. Aromatase activity in the hypothalamus + preoptic area and temporal lobe was strongly suppressed by ATD treatment whereas circulating concentrations of testosterone and oestradiol were not affected. These
more » ... suggest that oestradiol, formed via neural aromatization of circulating testosterone, contributes to the feedback regulation of LH secretion in breeding male ferrets just as oestradiol of ovarian origin controls LH secretion in females. No sex difference was observed in the rate at which mean plasma LH concentrations rose after the removal from gonadectomized ferrets of s.c. Silastic capsules containing oestradiol. Daily s.c. injections of oestradiol in oil caused an equivalent, dose-dependent inhibition of LH pulse frequency and mean LH concentrations in plasma of male and female ferrets. These findings suggest that the negative feedback control of pulsatile LH secretion by oestrogen is not sexually differentiated in this reflexly ovulating species. The ferret appears to differ from spontaneously ovulating mammalian species in which the female is generally more sensitive than the male to the inhibitory feedback action of oestradiol on LH secretion.
doi:10.1530/jrf.0.0860235 pmid:2754643 fatcat:vbtldd7cwvcnnpz5oheyytelkm