A Verifier-free Scheme for User Authentication and Access Control Using Smart Cards: Improvement of Chen-Yeh's Method
스마트 카드를 사용한 검증자 없는 사용자 인증 및 접근 제어 방법: Chen-Yeh 방법의 개선

Yong Kim, Min Gyo Chung
2013 Journal of Internet Computing and services  
User authentication and access control are two important components in high security applications. Recently, Chen and Yeh proposed a method to integrate both of them seamlessly. However, Chen-Yeh's scheme is vulnerable to a stolen verifier attack, since it maintains a smart card identifier table in a remote server. Therefore, this paper modifies Chen-Yeh's scheme and propose a new integrated authentication and access control scheme that is resilient to the stolen verifier attack while
more » ... all the merits of Chen-Yeh's scheme. Security analysis shows that the proposed scheme withstands well-known security attacks and exhibits many good features. ☞ keyword : user authentication, access control, smart card, SVA(stolen verifier attack)
doi:10.7472/jksii.2013.14.4.43 fatcat:2sd3mymxpfaajetutgwti3iwfm