MAIMONIDES Thirteen Articles of Faith [chapter]

2016 Defining Judaism  
Critical Categories in the Study of Religion aims to present the pivotal articles that best represent the most important trends in how scholars have gone about the task of describing, interpreting, and explaining the place of religion in human life. The series focuses on the development of categories and the terminology of scholarship that make possible knowledge about human beliefs, behaviors, and institutions. Each volume in the series is intended as both an introductory survey of the issues
more » ... hat surround the use of various key terms as well as an opportunity for a thorough retooling of the concept under study, making clear to readers that the cognitive categories of scholarship are themselves historical artefacts that change over time. This selection and introductory material © Aaron W. Hughes 2010 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. ISBN-13 978 1 84553 608 4 (hardback) 978 1 84553 609 1 (paperback) Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Defining Judaism : a reader / edited by Aaron W. Hughes. p. cm. -(Critical categories in the study of religion) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-84553-608-4 (hb) -ISBN 978-1-84553-609-1 (pb) 1.
doi:10.4324/9781315539539-10 fatcat:6gtwqmy4ujd3phhlr4vofmktoi