Neurology of Hereditary Metabolic Diseases of Children
C. Marsden
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry
Book reviews insect flight muscle and then further chapters dealing with the specialisation of muscle fibre types and the significance of these for human muscle performance. Sections on myofibril growth and a short summary on diseases of skeletal muscle are also included. The book is beautifully produced and the photomicrographs and diagrams are of high quality. Each chapter contains a wealth of up-to-date references which should prove valuable for the research worker entering the field in
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... ion. The curiously small index reflects, I suspect, the fact that the book deals with a restricted number of topics. Any department where basic or applied muscle research is taking place will find this an invaluable reference book. The chapters are, however, not appropriate introductory texts to muscle physiology but should be considered as in depth reviews setting out the present state of the art: in this they are most effective. CM WILES Fundamentals of Neuropsychopharmacology. This book is intended as a student text in behavioural pharmacology. Introductory chapters on principles of pharmacology, neuron cytology, neurophysiology, and synaptic structure and function, are concise, clearly illustrated, well referenced, and provide a useful introduction for students in any field of neuropharmacology. The chapter on principles of behavioural pharmacology, however, with its harrowing descriptions of the muricide test for antidepressants, and the acetic acid writhing test for analgesics, sets the psychopharmacological tone for the rest of the book. The core of this volume is organised into different chapters on acetyl choline, catecholamines, serotonin, amino acid transmitters, peptides, anxiolytic drugs, and the opiates, with an additional chapter on the treatment of schizophrenia and the affective disorders. Each of these chapters is again well produced, with illustrations of chemical formulae of drugs and of metabolic transformations. The organisation within chapters seems at first glance rather chaotic; if studiously followed, I am sure they are excellent, but as a rapid reference source they are confusing. The abbreviations list at the end includes C for carbon, little g for gram, but not ICS (for intracranial self-stimulation), which irri-tates. A huge store of gathered together at the er but also at the end of each recommended readings w appreciation of the nature Behavioural pharmacoloE will doubtless find this a u prehensive account of their in the field of neuropharm pleasantly surprised to find useful information, albeit c unfamiliar lines. " No neuropharmacologists will purchase this book, althoi standards it is fairly priced produced. However, they their library for having a col of need.