Effect of Hydroalcoholic Extract of Stem Bark of Bridelia ferruginea on Blood Coagulation

Messanh Delagnon Irenee Kueviakoe, Sabrina Chris Janiba Sanvee, Hezouwe Magnang, Komlan Mawubédjro Dossou-Yovo, Aboudoulatif Diallo, Ahoefa Vovor, Kwashie Eklu-Gadegbeku
2022 Journal of Diseases and Medicinal Plants  
Bridelia ferruginea is a plant commonly used in several regions of the world for its various properties. It is offered to certain patients with cerebrovascular accidents. It is with this in mind that this study is undertaken in order to verify whether B. ferruginea has an activity on blood coagulation. Materiel and method: Stem bark of B. ferruginea was collected at Noepe (24 km northwest of Lome). Hydroalcoholic extract (50/50) was obtained by evaporation. Male Wistar rats were used for the
more » ... ts. Qualitative screening was done according to conventional methods and total phenols were quantified. Some parameters of coagulation (blood platelets, aPTT, PR and fibrinogen) were determined. Oxidative stress was induced by Fe-NTA. Results were analysed by GraphPad®Prism 8.4.2. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare several groups. The difference between groups was determined by Tukey's test and considered significant at p<0.05. Results: Hydroalcoholic extract of B. ferruginea increased aPTT and decreased PR. Compared to the negative control (distilled water), oxidative stress was responsible in vivo for an increase in platelets blood number and PR and a decrease in aPTT and fibrinogen. The hydroalcoholic extract of B. ferruginea caused a decrease in platelets blood number (at low concentration), PR and fibrinogen level and an increase in the platelets blood number (at high concentration) and aPTT. Hydroalcoholic extract of B. ferruginea decreased MDA levels and increased GSH levels in rats subjected to oxidative stress. Conclusion: The present study proved existence of antioxidant and anticoagulant activities of B. ferruginea stem bark. There is a link between oxidative stress and coagulation. Future studies may better elucidate interaction between oxidative stress and coagulation mechanisms involved.
doi:10.11648/j.jdmp.20220802.14 fatcat:s6kmwcfuijabhenksfem5lghsu