L'impact des migrations internationales et des mobilités résidentielles sur l'évolution socio-spatiale des agglomérations de Luxembourg et Bruxelles

Sébastien Lord, Tim Cassiers, Philippe Gerber
2014 Environnement urbain  
Les arts : révéler, critiquer et transformer les rapports entre individus, environnement et ville Volume 8, 2014 URI : id.erudit.org/iderudit/1027743ar Tous droits réservés © Réseau Villes Régions Monde, 2014 MOTS-CLÉS  Inégalités sociales, inégalités spatiales, mobilité résidentielle, immigration sélective, double immigration     ABSTRACT In most European metropolitan areas of Europe -like Brussels or Luxembourg -social and spatial inequalities have been rising since the last decades.
more » ... anisms of selective inward and outward migration have been playing a major role of both reinforcing existing segregation structures and initiating gentrification and spatial dispersion. We analyse the dynamics caused by both residential mobility and international immigration and look at their effects on the rise of disparities, by studying the diffusion of different social groups in the metropolitan areas. Against the background of post-fordist competitive mechanisms we will thus question the role of residential movements as a motor of social composition and spatial structure in Brussels and Luxembourg.
doi:10.7202/1027743ar fatcat:z3wp3kaeh5bxllpld46g3hm7vq