Continuous-culture fermentation as a tool for forage evaluation

E.S. Vanzant, R.C. Cochran, S. Stafford, G. St Jean, K. C. Olson
1994 Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports  
Ruminal degradation of organic matter and protein in alfalfa and prairie hay were evaluated in vivo, using cannulated cows, and in vitro, using a continuous-culture fermenter to simulate ruminal fermentation. Estimates of organic matter degradability, microbial N flow per unit feed N input, and efficiency of microbial growth were not different (P>.10) between the in vivo and in vitro systems. However, for both forages, estimates of nitrogen degradability were greater with the in vitro system.
more » ... spite the differences between in vivo and in vitro techniques for some variables, continuous-culture fermentation will allow us to compare the effects of dietary treatments on forage digestion and will aid in the formulation of supplements to meet specific nutrient requirements for cattle consuming forage-based diets.
doi:10.4148/2378-5977.2071 fatcat:yol2qdhs7fadhperhewwokfnue