A Note on Complete Intersections

S. M. Bhatwadekar
1982 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society  
Let R be a regular local ring and let R[T] be a polynomial algebra in one variable over R. In this paper the author proves that every maximal ideal of R[T] is complete intersection in each of the following cases; (1) R is a local ring of an affine algebra over an infinite perfect field, (2) R is a power series ring over a field. Let L/K be a finite separable extension of K. Then L is a simple extension of K. By a minimal polynomial of L over K we always mean an irreducible monic polynomial over
more » ... K satisfied by a generator of L over K. Now we state a theorem which has been proved in [D-G, Theorem 3].
doi:10.2307/1999767 fatcat:gsks7r55ure47doinnsgfcfudi