A proposal of an inverse analysis method for estimating nonlinear stress-strain relation from three-point bending test

2015 Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese)  
An inverse analysis method was proposed for estimating nonlinear stress-strain curve with plastic deformation from load-deflection curve of three-point bending test of simply supported beam with rectangular cross section. This method was based on a small deformation theory under a few assumptions. Curvature was derived from the relation of load-deflection by applying the moment area method and geometrical relation, and bending strain was derived from the relation of strain-curvature. Then
more » ... g stress was derived from the relation of moment-curvature. Finite element analysis was conducted for verifying that these equations could estimate stress-strain curve. The estimated stress-strain curve showed good agreement with the actual one, verifying the usefulness of the proposed method for estimating stress-strain relation from the load-deflection curve of three-point bending test.
doi:10.1299/transjsme.14-00690 fatcat:yaa4zrg67fcl5k6wpca6744n74