The choice of a business model as a platform for the successful implementation of the process approach
Выбор бизнес-модели как платформы успешного внедрения процессного подхода

Zamira A. Avlasko
2015 Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta  
Keywords: business processes; business model; management of market behavior; process approach; agro-industrial complex. The global market is pushing our country to build a strong domestic production sector. Russian agricultural sector develops unsteadily, and occupies only 1.5 % of the world's agricultural production. Experts estimate the losses and profits in the sector as 25-70 billion dollars per annum and forecast a slowdown in the coming years. The possibility of rapid growth in the sector
more » ... is almost exhausted. Experience of large agricultural enterprises shows that an important factor in increasing the effectiveness is market behavior management and efficient use of resources. In this situation the enterprise management system must undergo significant changes, and it is necessary to use modern methods to enhance manageability. The practice of implementation of the process approach in Russia shows that there is a need for a focus on the better efficiency of the enterprise in the market. To do this, an important step is to create a balanced business model which, in a subsequent period, will be reflected by modeling tools in regulatory documentation. In general terms, the scheme of the process approach implementation will consist of several stages: 1) analysis of the internal and external environment; 2) audit of the current business model; 3) development or adjustment of the business model; 4) choice of the method for business modeling; 5) development of an implementation plan; 6) implementation of the project. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the completeness and adequacy of research because it is the basis for making strategic decisions. Based on the information gathered during the development, it is necessary to ensure the application of approaches, new or unused by competitors, to the organization of the key areas (supply chain, relationships with competitors, key resources, production management, product, company management, unique benefits, sales and promotion, product availability, formation of loyalty to the product and translated values). Because of the nature of agricultural enterprises, the introduction of the process approach to the management of market behavior will ensure systematic improvement of the enterprise's sustainability to external market factors, improve the quality of supply chain management and provide effective feedback from the consumer market. Structuring of market behavior management will also give a significant boost to the development of new production chains, inter-regional and cluster structures, which will significantly increase the efficiency of the whole agricultural sector.
doi:10.17223/15617793/399/29 fatcat:vs263exoerf2xhfmiiywqy4wsa