Sample class on Physics by Inquiry

Lillian C. McDermott, Peter S. Shaffer, Stamatis Vokos
1997 AIP Conference Proceedings  
This sample class provides an opportunity for faculty to gain direct experience with the type of instruction that has proved effective for preparing precollege teachers to teach physics and physical science as a process of inquiry. During the class, participants will work through excerpts from Physics by Inquiry, a set of laboratorybased modules specifically designed for this purpose. In addition, there will also be a discussion of the research that guided the development of the curriculum, the
more » ... pedagogical approach that is used, and practical matters that need to be addressed in the design and implementation of special courses for teachers. In the sample class, participants will work through Light and Shadow, an excerpt from the Light and Color module.
doi:10.1063/1.53200 fatcat:obs7a7lhn5cr7cf7ltw7sqau3q