The historical analysis of the spatial land layout of Mściwojów village in the Mściwojów municipality

Karol Noga, Jarosław Taszakowski
2013 Geomatics, Landmanagement and Landscape  
This paper presents the analysis of cartographic materials formed on the basis of the former Prussia cadastre, modern cadastral maps and digital orthophotomaps. The maps from the various periods of time allow for the land layout analysis and changes in land use from the first colonists settlement to the present. Studies have shown that during the last 70 years in the (analyzed) village in this study, more than half of the arable land was transformed to the grassland. In the analyzed period of
more » ... me the number of plots increased by 112%, and their average size has been reduced by more than a half. Keywords land use • spatial structure of land • land layout K. Noga, J. Taszakowski
doi:10.15576/gll/2013.2.87 fatcat:gblmwfm3njaknbrztqlomczcpe