Population inversion X-ray laser oscillator

Aliaksei Halavanau, Andrei Benediktovitch, Alberto A. Lutman, Daniel DePonte, Daniele Cocco, Nina Rohringer, Uwe Bergmann, Claudio Pellegrini
2020 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America  
Oscillators are at the heart of optical lasers, providing stable, transform-limited pulses. Until now, laser oscillators have been available only in the infrared to visible and near-ultraviolet (UV) spectral region. In this paper, we present a study of an oscillator operating in the 5- to 12-keV photon-energy range. We show that, using the Kα1 line of transition metal compounds as the gain medium, an X-ray free-electron laser as a periodic pump, and a Bragg crystal optical cavity, it is
more » ... to build X-ray oscillators producing intense, fully coherent, transform-limited pulses. As an example, we consider the case of a copper nitrate gain medium generating ∼ 5 × 1010 photons per pulse with 37-fs pulse length and 48-meV spectral resolution at 8-keV photon energy. Our theoretical study and simulation of this system show that, because of the very large gain per pass, the oscillator saturates and reaches full coherence in four to six optical-cavity transits. We discuss the feasibility and design of the X-ray optical cavity and other parts of the oscillator needed for its realization, opening the way to extend X-ray–based research beyond current capabilities.
doi:10.1073/pnas.2005360117 pmid:32571923 fatcat:p7cbnfrgzvgnbmo4rkrq6vkumm