Comparative study on Focalization in Film from a Narratological Perspective
서사학적 관점에서 본 영화의 초점화 양상 연구

Jong-Wan Kim
2014 The Journal of the Korea Contents Association  
Film is a visual art. A process of film totally depends on our sense of sight. It indicates that a way of delivering narrative in the film is "showing", not "telling". There has already been established theories about "who sees" and "who tells" in narratology. It explains who the narrator is and how the narrator delivers in literary works which is represented in terms of "Point-of View". Therefore the study contents construct internal formal elements of the narrator and point of view into 2
more » ... vidual researches, and the result can be summed up as below. From a narratological perspective, the narrator has roles and deeds as a narrative mediator who mediates the story and leads the story as presenting the origin with images and voices in the text extra and intra world through the process of producing the narrative inferred. To eliminate ambiguousness the term 'point-of view', this article applies 'focalization' theory to analyze narrative structure of film. The result of analysis shows that there are three focalizers in film; director, protagonist-character and camera. And aspects of film can be varied by distance of each focalizer. These distances between focalizers limit amount of visual information. ■ keyword :|Point of View|Focalization|Focalized Object|External Focalizer|Internal Focalizer|
doi:10.5392/jkca.2014.14.02.072 fatcat:w7qmdh3zezejthsuc4txsb2boe