Phenomenology of quantum reduced loop gravity in the isotropic cosmological sector

Emanuele Alesci, Aurélien Barrau, Gioele Botta, Killian Martineau, Gabriele Stagno
2018 Physical Review D  
Quantum reduced loop gravity is designed to consistently study symmetry reduced systems within the loop quantum gravity framework. In particular, it bridges the gap between the effective cosmological models of loop quantum cosmology and the full theory, addressing the dynamics before the minisuperspace reduction. This mostly preserves the graph structure and SU(2) quantum numbers. In this article, we study the phenomenological consequences of the isotropic sector of the theory, the so-called
more » ... rgent bouncing universe model. In particular, the parameter space is scanned and we show that the number of inflationary e-folds is almost always higher than the observational lower-bound. We also compute the primordial tensor power spectrum and study its sensitivity upon the fundamental parameters used in the model.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.98.106022 fatcat:pfl6qwhrq5cwfj3edh3q274beu