Peut-on contribuer a l'epanouissement interculturel des apprenants de fle a travers I 'organisation des echanges scolaires

Izabela Orchowska
2018 Glottodidactica An International Journal of Applied Linguistics  
A b s t r a c t . In this article, we would like to show that participation in school exchanges can con tribute to the development o f foreign language learners' intercultural competence. To begin with, we shall analyse challenges o f intercultural education in a theoretical way. Secondly, we shall present our own research connected with a school exchange between Polish and French learners which was organised in 1999. In this presentation we shall emphasise the influence o f the circum stances
more » ... n which the exchange took place on the evolution o f intercultural competence.
doi:10.14746/gl.2001.29.07 fatcat:ak5b4rjlinapfg6rsxzvytrlwu