Ruptured rudimentary horn of the unicornuate uterus at 16 weeks of pregnancy: a case report

Sunil S, Laxmi Yaliwal, Apurva Amarnath, Prajna Anchan
2013 International Journal of Reproduction Contraception Obstetrics and Gynecology  
Pregnancy in the rudimentary horn of the uterus is a rare form of ectopic pregnancy; most of the cases were being diagnosed at laparotomy for haemorrhagic shock due to rupture when the patient presents in the second trimester. Prerupture diagnosis is possible in the early pregnancy in suspicious cases. Pregnancy in the rudimentary horn has a poor maternal and foetal outcome and 90% of them present with intraperitoneal haemorrhage in the second trimester due to rupture of the horn. We report a
more » ... se of ruptured rudimentary horn pregnancy at 16weeks, in shock with severe anaemia. Excision of the rudimentary horn with right salpingectomy was done.
doi:10.5455/2320-1770.ijrcog20130633 fatcat:dldvwsfk2veu7ako3kb3kzt35a