Hegel ante la pobreza: la economía de mercado y el derecho como fuerzas contrapuestas

Nuria Sánchez Madrid, Università Degli Studi Di Trieste, Università Degli Studi Di Trieste
This paper tackles Hegel's approach to poverty in his philosophy of right. I claim first that Hegel's account of pauperism diverges from the analysis addressed by the economic school of classic liberalism, which authors as Smith and Kant belong to. Second, I display Hegel's account of the destructing effects that misery has over the self-esteem of the subject and her links with the political community. Finally, I tackle the ethical mediation that the corporation furnishes as solution of the
more » ... mma that pauperism brings about for completely materializing the ethical idea, highlighting some problems that this claim shows in Hegel's time as in our time.
doi:10.13137/1825-5167/28385 fatcat:wmq67ao4unbrbipgn5b72q57du