Flexible surveillance system architecture for prototyping video content analysis algorithms

R. G. J. Wijnhoven, E. G. T. Jaspers, P. H. N. de With, Edward Y. Chang, Alan Hanjalic, Nicu Sebe
2006 Multimedia Content Analysis, Management, and Retrieval 2006  
Many proposed video content analysis algorithms for surveillance applications are very computationally intensive, which limits the integration in a total system, running on one processing unit (e.g. PC). To build flexible prototyping systems of low cost, a distributed system with scalable processing power is therefore required. This paper discusses requirements for surveillance systems, considering two example applications. From these requirements, specifications for a prototyping architecture
more » ... re derived. An implementation of the proposed architecture is presented, enabling mapping of multiple software modules onto a number of processing units (PCs). The architecture enables fast prototyping of new algorithms for complex surveillance applications without considering resource constraints.
doi:10.1117/12.649520 fatcat:hmogs3ybfne67p7lbou4yzddbi