Implementation of True Color Led Display for Video Processing Using Arm Cortex M3 Processor

G Mallikarjun
2012 IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering  
This paper introduces the system design and implementation of a true-color light emitting diode (LED) display system. The improvement of LED (Light Emitting Diode) technology, the LED display system for video has attracted public attention. True color is a method of representing and storing graphical image information in an RGB color space such that a very large number of colors, shades, and hues can be displayed in an image, such as in high quality photographic images or complex graphics. We
more » ... ed the STM32F207MicroController for controlling the LED display system as it has advantages of processing fast video frames [2]. The Digital video is extracted and is converted from video signal to the LED display signal by circuit implementation. The driving circuits receives LED display signals after conversion, and assigns them to LED pixel, and drive the LED screen to display in real time.
doi:10.9790/2834-0262730 fatcat:ybyfcnqlsfd7feqnubsneacpcm